
ComplyTag App
Your service provider or in-house team can download the app for free on their Android or Apple device. It's compatible with almost any mobile device with a camera. Smart software enables the same form to be displayed on both smartphones and tablets, with zooming and scrolling functionality for ease of use.

Data Storage
ComplyTag stores all data securely in the cloud. The information is backed up, encrypted, and highly protected. 

It remains accessible indefinitely, ensuring that even if you switch contractors, you retain the complete record of the previous company's activities. This eliminates the need for re-typing or manual entry of data.

Interface to Other Systems
Yes, we can interface with other systems. We have extensive experience in this area and can utilize web services, either WSDL based or using REST. 

The interface can operate via push, where we send the data, or pull, where the other system extracts data from ours. 

Collaboration with your existing system provider is essential for seamless integration.

Data Security
Data sent from the mobile app to the server is secured with a protocol similar to what banks use for transaction data, ensuring high levels of security. The database is encrypted and password-protected for added security measures.

Our server is safeguarded by a hardware firewall, which prevents unauthorised access and is considered one of the most secure methods of protection. Additionally, the server runs the latest operating system version and is equipped with up-to-date antivirus software, providing top-notch technology to protect the stored data.

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